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Website construction on the top and bottom of the static web sites using a common, convenient maintenance and management, if you modify the head of the page content and advertising, can only change the head and tail of your web site a page has changed. If you want to achieve this there are several can for your reference:

1:使用ssi技术页面生成shtml文件,只用在头部文件位置加入<!--#include file="header.htm" -->,然后修改的时候只要修改header.htm文件就可以了。使用shtml的好处是对搜索引擎比较友好,需要处理的文件在服务器端完成的,不会加重访问者的浏览器负担。

1: use ssi technology SHTML pages generated file, file location of the head only to join <! - # include file = "header. HTM" -- -- >, and then modify the time just change the header. The HTM file is ok. To the search engine friendly are the benefits of using SHTML, need to deal with the files on the server side, not the burden of aggravating the visitor's browser.

2:使用js , 建立一个head.js的文件, 找一个html转js的网站,然后把你头部的html代码转化成js代码,并放在head.js文件里面。

2: using js, the establishment of a head. The js file, find one HTML js site, then put your head in the HTML code into javascript code, and on the head.

3:使用iframe ,以前人们常常使用静态frame框架来做首尾(一般不是iframe)。现在越来越少见了。主要因为网页设计相对比较困难,而且还增加了连接数,而且也不利于搜索引擎的对头尾的收录。

3: use the iframe, people often use static frame frame for fore and aft (generally not iframe). Now more and more rare. Mainly because of web design is relatively difficult, but also increased the number of connections, but also not conducive to the search engine's butt end of the collection.


POST TIME:2013年09月04日




QQ咨询方式381068446 李工
